Thursday, June 20, 2013

If you're from Lehi...

When I started dating Mike, way back in the day, I went to his grandpa's for a family gathering. It was my first time meeting most of them. We were talking with Mike's uncle Richard, when he realized I was from Lehi. He said something silly like "well if you're from Lehi, than are you missing any teeth!?" At the time, I was happy to announce that all my teeth were still in my mouth!

Almost 3 years later, this is no longer the case. I guess I have become a true Lehi girl!

Story? Okay, I'll share.
About two weeks after I had Evelynn, I went to the dentist because I was experiencing incredible pain just above my right lateral incisor. 
While there, they discovered a crazy infection!
So, I was told I needed to have my tooth removed! 

I will spare you from the grossest parts of the horrific infection story that followed the diagnosis and treatment plan... All I can say is, thank goodness for antibiotics! 

Also, thank goodness for my dear mother-in-law Cassie! She came in town to see her new grand baby and ended up having to babysit her daughter-in-law post surgery! That also allowed for her to have more grand baby time though :) 

Here is what it looks like now! 
I can't believe I'm sharing this with the public! 

If you happen to run into me at the grocery store, you will not see the above picture, but the below picture instead! 
Not too bad! Just need my gums to heal around my fake tooth and all will be good! 

I have to wait 6 months before the bone implant and everything heals up right, so I can get a post put in. Then 6 months later, I will get a crown put in. 

Oh the joys. At least I have a cool party trick now :)

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