Tuesday, July 31, 2012

We came here to set and reach the highest goal possible

Peter Vidmar in the 1985 General Conference said:

"I am very honored and proud to have represented my country in the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. Participating in that great competition is an event that I will always cherish and remember. My involvement in gymnastics, however, has taught me qualities that go beyond athletics. The qualities, characteristics, and keys to success in sports are factors that carry over to all other aspects of our lives.

In whatever you want to improve upon, whether it be schoolwork, athletics, music, or studying the scriptures, just give a little extra—every day. Fifteen minutes a day for one year add up to over ninety-one hours. I only use fifteen minutes as an example of how time well-spent can add up. I know that I would be a better individual if I applied this more in other important areas of my life. I sincerely hope and pray that I do this.

As children of our Father in Heaven, we can have setbacks of sin. But we must never quit or give up hope. Heavenly Father has provided a way to overcome spiritual setbacks through the great gift of repentance. He truly loves us and wants to forgive us. All we have to do is to go through the process of repentance, and we will triumph over our mistakes.

I would like to emphasize keeping a proper perspective on our goals. Let us never lose sight of the gospel in pursuing our temporal ambitions. We didn’t come to this world to become Olympic champions, or great doctors, lawyers, or businessmen, or to become rich and famous. We came here to prove ourselves worthy of returning back to the presence of our Heavenly Father. We came here to set and reach the highest goal possible."

As I was reading this today, I was thinking of how I am not always focused on the eternal perspective of things. It's very easy for me to give a couple hours each day to study for school, or to achieve my fitness goals, but how often do I spend time in my scriptures and praying? Not nearly the amount of time I give to other things in my life. 

What a great reminder of what I need to be focusing on. I need to remember the true purpose of  my time here on earth so I can accomplish the "highest goal possible".

Sunday, July 29, 2012

BBQ/GAME night!

Can I just tell you that Trent & Star definitely know how to throw a party!
Mike & I came late, so we missed out on the delicious BBQ.
We played the ultimate game of Ultimate Frisbee, murder-in-the-dark, and telephone charades!

I wish we had gotten more pictures of all the fun, but I did obtain this fancy piece of Mike dancing!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Top 10

I found this in my journal from the first Valentine's Day that Mike & I shared.

#10. He is a great communicator. He and I can talk about anything and everything. We discuss our dreams, talk about the day, or resolve problems. I know there is nothing in the world that I can't talk about with him.
#9. He is very supportive. I have so many crazy ideas and never has he told me that it was a far-fetched dream. Mike always is there for me, supporting me in my decisions and encouraging me to shoot for the stars.
#8. He has strong family ties. I love that family matters to him and that when he talks of his family, it is always very clear how much he loves them. I also love that he is so good with his new family, my family. He fits right in with the Lewis bunch
#7. He works so hard. I have never seen someone flourish in their job the way he does. He gives it his all. When Mike wants something, he will get it. He is dedicated and focused. And Costco could not function with out Mike. lol.
#6. He makes me feel good. Mike has a way of turning a bad day into a great day. He is so sweet to me. He calls me beautiful, brings me flowers and is sure he expresses his love. There isn't a day that goes by where he doesn't tell me he loves me at least 100 times.
#5. He is so spiritual. He is always helping me understand the Gospel. He loves his scriptures. He loves Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. He has a strong testimony and is willing to share it with me. I love how we can talk about the scriptures, read them together and pray often to find strength and become better people. We make goals together and are accomplishing them. He is such a strong person. Whenever I am weak, he is there to encourage me and help me get back on my feet.
#4. He is friend to anyone who needs one. Mike is always looking after his friends and family. You can always count on him to be there for you in all situations. He makes friends everywhere he goes, and people always want to be around him.
#3. He very genuine. Everything he does, he does because he means it. He doesn't sugar coat things or try to get on everyone's good side. He truly loves, cares and wants the best for those around him.
#2. Mike can make me laugh. He does the silliest things and I will just crack up! He's always making jokes, talking in funny accents or quoting movies.
#1. He soo is self-less. So many times I'll tell him I will give him a back-tickle, he turns it down, and then gives me one. When someone asks him for a ride, he'll do it. He is always sharing and giving of his time and assets. He values service and is always so helpful!

What a gem!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I wanted to spend a quick moment writing before I share a much longer story written by my wonderful sister-in-law, Brooke.
I know that our Savior loves each one of us. He hears and answers our prayers. I believe in miracles. I believe that each person is here on this earth with a divine purpose. A purpose that oneself can only accomplish.
This is a story about a MIRACLE. Paige (Brooke's little sister) is a living, BREATHING example of this.
Written by Brooke Lewis on June 22nd 2012:
http://theselittlethings365.blogspot.com/ (here is a link to her blog)
A week ago today, my life was turned upside down and was changed forever. This...is my side of what happened on that horrific, traumatic, yet amazing and miraculous day.

My baby sister had surgery on her ACL for the second time in a year. I had to work and I had a test that morning and so I couldn't go to the hospital but I promised her that I would be at my parent's house when she got home that afternoon. It started out as a normal Friday. I texted Paige to wish her luck and to tell her that I love her, as she was on her way to the hospital. We chatted for a bit and I told her that I would see her later that afternoon.

I went to work and left with enough time to go to school to take my test and then meet Paige and my parents at home. The test didn't take as long as I expected so as I waited for Paige to be released from recovery, I stopped by my grandparent's house to visit. I received the text I had been waiting for from my mom...it was time to head home; she had been released. I called my dad as soon as I got in the car, to find out where they were. He told me they had just gotten on the freeway and asked if I could stop to get a couple things from the store for Paige. He also said that Paige had mentioned in recovery that she wanted a Jamba Juice when she got home and he asked if I wouldn't mind stopping to get her one. Of course not! What flavor did she want? I heard my mom ask her what flavor she wanted but I didn't hear a response. Then my mom said something but it was muffled and I couldn't hear. Then with a panicked tone, my dad all of a sudden said, "I'm going to have to....hold on! hold on!!" I heard the phone drop and he asked my mom, "Is she breathing!!???" ...My heart sank.

In that moment I felt panic, fear, sadness and helplessness all at the same time. I had no idea what to do. Where were they? How long had she not been breathing?  Would she make it? What do I do???? 

I heard a bunch of muffling around and then...nothing. Silence. I kept looking at the phone to make sure I hadn't lost the connection, turned up my volume and just listened as closely as I could. Then, I heard noise. What was that? Then, it quickly became clear but it was something that I could have gone my whole life without ever hearing. It was my mom screaming and my dad screaming Paige's name. The emotion in their voices was complete devastation. Right then, I knew in my heart that my sister was gone. But I couldn't believe it. Was this really happening? Could this honestly be real? 

I froze. Pulled over to the side of the road for just a second and just kept saying out loud, "No, no, no, no, God, please NO! No, no, no", over and over and over. I knew I couldn't just sit on the side of the road and do nothing, but I didn't know what to do, except just drive and wait and pray as hard and as loud as I could. I was shaking, I felt sick, I was full of despair and couldn't help but think, in the back of my mind, what my life was possibly going to be like now without my sister. Even with all these thoughts racing through my mind, I couldn't even cry. I was frozen and stiff and didn't want to make any noise. I had to listen so carefully. Within seconds, I heard my dad start counting and I knew he was doing CPR on my sister, on the side of the freeway somewhere. Then I heard my mom on the phone with 911, her voice was shaking and panicky and she was wailing, "My daughter is 17, she just had surgery, we're on the freeway, she's not breathing, she doesn't have a pulse and my husband is doing CPR. Please hurry!!" My heart hurt more than ever, my throat had a huge lump in it, my eyes started burning and I lost it! 

For 6 1/2 minutes, I helplessly listened. My mom was screaming Paige's name, begging her to wake up and then her words became muffled and all I heard was the voices of people I didn't recognize. But through all the noise and confusion, I heard my dad, loud and clear. He was counting, as he pumped her chest and in between counting he was also screaming her name and begging, "Paige! Please come back, Please come back!! Paige! Paige! PLEASE!!!" and just more and more counting. Then... my mom called me on the other line. I switched over as fast as I could, "MOM!??" (I heard my phone click and I knew I had dropped my dad's call) My mom was screaming and crying and I couldn't understand anything she was saying. I begged her, "Mom, pleeeeease don't hang up! Mom, please please please don't hang up!!" I knew that if I lost this call, I would have no idea what was going on. Then, she quickly said, "I gotta go". Click.

My whole world was falling apart and I didn't know what to do. I have never felt so helpless and full of despair but I still couldn't believe that this was happening. This happens to other people. This could not actually be happening to my family. What do I do? Where do I go?

I was still in Orem, just driving to "who knows where". So, I called Jacen and when he answered the phone, the tears were uncontrollable and I could barely talk. I was actually saying this out loud, so that means that this is actually happening. I was hysterical. My loving husband was as calm as he could possibly be and gave me as much hope as possible. He talked me through getting home and said that he would drive me wherever I wanted to go. It had been what seemed like an eternity since I had heard from my mom. It had been more than 15 minutes since my dad first told me to, "hang on". They were the worst 15 minutes of my whole life. Then... my mom was calling again on the other line. I quickly told Jacen to hold on and I switched over. My mom was hysterical and was trying to talk to me but couldn't. The phone got passed to a paramedic who told me that they had Paige and my mom and they were heading to the hospital and he told me that I should head straight there. I asked if she was alive and if she was breathing. He said, "Yes, she's breathing and she spoke but you should probably get to the hospital right away."

I made it home, jumped in the passenger seat as Jacen jumped in the driver seat and I knew that I needed to call my other sister to let her know what had happened. I called Chanise's cell phone. No answer. I called her work and thankfully was able to get a hold of her. I had barely started telling her what happened when my dad started calling me on the other line. I knew she was panicked but I had to know what was going on with Paige; I had to know that she was alive. I told Chanise that it was okay, but I had to put her on hold, but I would be right back. A stranger who had stopped to help was driving my dad's car and taking my dad to the hospital while his wife followed them in their truck. My dad wanted to make sure I knew how to get to the hospital and that I had called Chanise. I could tell that there was some relief in his voice but he was still terrified. I finished explaining to Chanise what had happened and what I heard and told her we were coming to pick her up so that we could all drive up together.

Jacen and I drove back to Provo to pick Chanise up and then headed up North to the hospital. On the way up, I noticed that in my mom's state of panic, she had accidentally posted what had happened on Facebook (later we found out that she was trying to send a text to Tami to let her know what was going on). So, I tried to do damage control and let everyone know that Paige was okay. Even with this slight distraction, it was still the longest car ride ever! But we finally made it. I was soooo grateful to see Paige awake, in the hospital bed, in the ER. A huge weight was lifted off my heart as she tried to smile at me when I came into the room and I felt some comfort. I was still scared but I knew that everything was going to be okay. I had my sister back and it was a miracle!! She knew who we were and she was talking and I wanted nothing more than to be by her side and hug her and touch her and kiss her forehead. I was so glad that I still had her in my life.

All her tests came back positive. Her heart was okay, her brain was okay, her respiration was okay and she luckily didn't have any broken ribs. They assumed that with the anesthesia from the surgery, mixed with all of the pain killers she was given in recovery, she was overdosed which caused her heart to slow way down and then when she fell asleep in the car and her head fell forward, it cut off her air supply which stopped her heart and killed her. But, after she was revived, the paramedics gave her a shot that reversed the affects of the pain killers in her system and the anesthesia had worn off enough that she would be okay. It was just a "freak thing" that should have never happened. So, we were able to take her home that night and not one of us left her side. We were all up so late and I knew that my parents were exhausted from going through such a traumatic and emotional experience and I hoped that they would be able to rest and get a little sleep, which they finally did. I stayed up all night, watching her sleep and watching her breathe. I never thought I would enjoy the sound of someone breathing while they slept, but it was seriously the best sound I have ever heard. Our family friend, Tami, was there and stayed up with me. She was even so kind as to sit with me on the floor, next to Paige and play Up Words, to keep me occupied and awake. I didn't even mind staying awake all night, I was just glad that I got to be with Paige and that she was actually there; living and breathing. It was a miracle!

Paige continues to progressively get better and we are so fortunate that she doesn't have any brain damage or organ failure. She is starting to become the normal, funny and quirky Paige again and I am so grateful!

I have been completely amazed at what a huge impact this one 17 year old girl has had on the world. She has been such a great influence in so many people's lives and she has touched so many people! She is kind and sweet and friendly and hilarious and has an amazing personality; its no wonder that so many people love her and have been affected by her amazing story. She has a million people that love her and have prayed for her and I know that it is because of everyone's faith and prayers that she is here with us, she is okay and she is going to recover and live her life to the fullest!

This experience was horrible, traumatic and awful but it was also amazing, joyous and miraculous and it has strengthened my testimony immensely. I know that Christ lives. I know that he is my Savior and I know that because of his atonement, families can be together forever. I know that my Father in Heaven knows each one of us individually and he loves us. He knows our fears and our weaknesses and he is always there to lift us up and carry us when we need it the most. I know that he has a plan for each one of us. I know, without a doubt, that he hears and he answers our prayers. And I know that he still performs miracles on earth today. I know that the Holy Ghost guides and directs us in our lives. We may never know when we will be needed to be an instrument in the hands of God, to be an answer to someone else's prayers but I hope that I can always be ready when I am needed. I am eternally grateful to all those people who listened to the promptings of the Holy Ghost and stopped to help my family, on the side of the road and save my sister.  Not many people can make a full recovery after being dead for 15 minutes, but my sister did and I know that it can only happen through God's mercy. My sister is extremely special and has a purpose that she has yet to fulfill and I am so thankful that I get to be apart of her life.

I am so full of gratitude for Paige and the little qualities that she possesses that my life just wouldn't be the same without. I am grateful for her friendship. I am grateful for her singing and the way she can brighten my day or make me love a song I used to not like, just by singing it with her little touch of "Paige flair". I am grateful for her hilarious personality and all the ways she can make me laugh. I am grateful for her crazy facial expressions. I love that she can't help but start to dance and shake her hips, any time she hears music, even if it is her that is singing it to herself. I am grateful for her strong spirit. And I am grateful for the bond that we share. I could go on and on and on and on. I am just so grateful for her!! This experience has also made me more aware and extremely thankful for all the little qualities that everyone else in my family has as well. I am so blessed to have such an amazing, loving and close family and I cherish each and everyone of them!

I wanted to share my side of this story for two reasons; one, because I wanted to have it written down so that I would never forget how I felt and the lessons that I have learned from it. And I hope to continue to learn the lessons that I am meant to take from this experience. Two, I hope that someone else can learn something from it as well. Always, always remember to tell your family that you love them because you never know when it will be the last time. Don't take life for granted because it can be taken in an instant. Always treasure the little things in life and remember that your family is the most important thing that you have. Nothing else in the whole world matters. And don't forget that miracles do happen and the Lord absolutely does hear and answer prayers!

http://theselittlethings365.blogspot.com/2012/06/grateful-for-miracles.html (link to her post)
I am so grateful for Paige. I am grateful for her experience and what it can teach us about The Plan of Salvation. I am grateful for her strength, and Brooke's strength for writing this down for others to see. I am grateful for such an experience that can bring us closer to our Heavenly Father.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Squah Peak

I have never been to the official Squah Peak make out spot before in my entire life. Everyone said it was fantastic, beautiful and romantic. I have wanted to go with Mike since before we were married, but just never got around to it.

Yesterday, I got off work early to hang out with Mike on his day off. We had to run some arrends and by the time we were done, I was exhausted! So I passed out in the car and next thing I knew....
 I was woken up by this attractive man at this exotic location!
Yup. I've got the best hubby!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

AF Steal Days

American Fork Steal Days!

Every year, we celebrate Steal Days! This is a week long celebration in American Fork. They have a parade, carnival, fireworks, 5K and more fun!

This year, Mike had to work during the parade... So I headed on over with my family!

Before the parade, two of my brothers, Jacen and Taylor, ran the 5K! They did a great job!

The parade was awesome! The only picture I have from it is one of this camel. See...

FINALLY, Mike got off work and was able to make it to the fireworks! We had so much fun with the family!

 The hubs!
 My silly grandpa!
 Dad, Grandma Hill, Grandma Pully, Grandpa Pulley and Mom!
 My grandmother and I!
 My beautiful niece, Reagan!
 This be my lil bro!
My Aunt Rebecca, Melissa and Sean

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pinterest Project!

A little "Pinterest Project"

I spray painted some picture frames gray, and painted some summer peach!
These are for my bathroom!

Here is the Project BEFORE!
 Here are the frames DURING!
And this is the AFTER SHOT!

(I still need to print a picture for the bottom frame!)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July

Here is a little wrap up of our fantastic 4th of July celebrations!

My boss does a block party every year and invited us all to come! It is such a huge hit!
There's a BBQ, bounce houses, games, live band, friends, fun and fireworks!

Just making some cotton candy!
Mike found his new lover!
Just showing some respect to the Every family crest (at the family reunion in South Carolina, Mike's grandparents showed us the family crest. It consisted of a crying unicorn!)

MKVO crew!
Some fantastic friends!! Hayley, Jake, Mike, Karianna, Blake & Melissa

On the 4th of July....
Early in the morning, we woke up and traveled down to provo for some exciting hot air balloon launching!
Afterwards, we went to the Freedom Festival Parade and enjoyed some time with our neighbors.

MINI STORY! Fred & Kirsten  have come into our lives sort of suddenly. They moved in next to us last December. We didn't talk to each other very often back then. Then one day in April-ish, Kirsten and I were out in the front yard talking. I discovered that she went to the yoga class on Tuesday/Thursday and I told her I wanted to come along.
I began going to class with her each week, and soon enough we became best friends. Thank goodness our husbands decided that they liked each other too! We love the fast growing friendship that has occurred and now consider them family. They have an adorable son, Liam, whom ADORES Mike!
Here is a picture of the pig's butt!
My sexy husband and I!
The Jones Family!
Mike & I, just cooling off in the shade at the parade!
same picture, black and white!    
 I love this boy!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Lehi Round Up Tradition

Lehi Round Up days are Lehi's specialty. 

Friday, June 29th
They had the first version of the parade this night. My BEAUTIFUL niece, Reagan, got 3rd place in the baby contest. She was absolutely stunning!

June 30th.
We enjoyed breakfast at the park with our wonderful neighbors, Fred and Kirsten. Then, we watched the parade early morning.
Late at night, Mike and I experienced the Lehi Rodeo with Dannielle, Jared, Melissa, Blake, Hayley, & Jake.
 A picture with the ladies!