Saturday, November 24, 2012

I'll be home for Thanksgiving...

This was my first Thanksgiving where I was not at my grandparents, stuffing my face with the traditional.

Mike grew up in Minnesota, and one of his closest friends is Paul. Paul's family have since moved up to Idaho, while Paul is down in Provo attending BYU. 
Paul invited us to go up with him to Idaho to spend Thanksgiving with his family this year.

We drove up early Wednesday morning. When I say "we" drove... I meant that Mike drove. What a trooper. He drove every mile, BOTH ways. If any of you know me very well, my heart is full of gratitude for this act of kindness on Mike's end. I absolutely HATE to drive, and will avoid it as much as possible. 

It was so wonderful to share Thanksgiving with his family. They were so welcoming and made us feel as though we were home for Thanksgiving.
The food was absolutely perfect, the company was great, and we even had entertainment! (Paul's family does a talent show each year, and this family is TALENTED!) 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sweet Baby Smith!

This post is a LITTLE Late... LOL!
My dear friends Melissa & Blake finally had their little boy in September. With being 2 weeks late, and him needing to stay 2 weeks in the NICU, I am so happy that he is home & safe. 
He is such a sweet little thing and I am so grateful for Melissa. She has been such a wonderful friend to me & I am very excited to get to know this beautiful baby boy!
 Here is sweet little Smith!
 Smith sticking out his tongue all cute!
I snatched this picture off of Melissa's facebook. What a darling!
Melissa bringing her baby in to visit the office.
Melanie, Karianna, Melissa & Smith, & Hayley (Baby Ross is also in the picture!)

Interesting facts about the office: Melissa was pregnant and had her baby at the end of September, Hayley is pregnant and due at the end of November, and I am pregnant and due in May. 
For about a month, 3 girls working at MKVO were pregnant! 
We all joke that Melanie is going to be next! And the designer we hire to replace Hayley soon is probably going to get pregnant too! :]

Saturday, November 3, 2012

1st Trimester

The first trimester blew by so fast, yet it was slugging along like nobody's business.
Its already almost over though!

I've enjoyed many not exciting side effects of being pregnant:

tender breasts
frequent urination
lower back pain
extreme bleeding of my gums
are those stretch marks?

oh.. and did I mention that I ALREADY have a little pregnant bump? No more buttoning up my pants... Going to have to hit up the maternity wear!

Seriously, you name the side effect - I've had it!

It has been a good ride though. Mike has been very helpful in making sure he does some extra chores around the house, gives up his usual spot on the couch, and allowing me to sleep in most mornings. He is right my by side EVERY time I'm headed for the bathroom to with my toilet bowl. 
I'm tellin' ya -- this man that I married is the absolute best!

By the way... Here is a picture of what the baby looks like at 13 weeks!
What a cutie!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Here comes a Baby!

That is right. We are pregnant and can finally share the news!

It feels like it has been the longest 3 months (technically 2 months) of secret keeping ever in my life! 
Finally, we are almost 13 weeks along and are excited to tell everyone!

Mike and I found out that we were pregnant on August 30th 2012. 
I was expecting that I might be expecting! However, the previous week before we found out, I took 3 other pregnancy tests that were all negative! (turns out I calculated my expected "test positive" date wrong).
Finally, we saw a double line on the pregnancy test indicating we were pregnant! 
It was so faint, that I was not even sure about it, and we both kind of disregarded it and went about our day.
Later that morning, I had a discussion with one of my dear friends about the faint line that had appeared on our pregnancy test and she ASSURED me that we were indeed pregnant. Even if it was faint.
I had a hard time believing this, so I decided that two days later, we would test again. I did not make it a full two days before I was too anxious about peeing on a stick!
So we pulled out another one, and yup! You guessed it! Confirmed positive-o!

Our due date is May 11th 2013!! If our baby is lucky enough to be born on the actual due date, (s)he will share a birthday with his/her wonderful Great Uncle Gil!