Sunday, August 21, 2011


Cheers! To a new blog/journal/updates for stalkers! 
I keep telling myself that I need to start a blog, to write down my history somehow, and I never get around to it. So with the Relief Society lesson talking about Genealogy and Journaling (thanks Faith Jennings) & my dear sister-in-law, Brooke, starting her own blog, I decided it was time for me to jump on the blogger bandwagon. 

I will admit, I have tried blogging before. I kept it secret. I've only posted a handful of posts, and stopped. I'm going to pull a couple of posts from that old blog to this one, to mark some important historical moments in my life... like meeting my hubby and traveling to Mexico. 

WARNING: This could get a little personal here, since I'm also counting this as my "journal" writing..
So lets keep this a judge free zone. kkthanks!


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