"I am very honored and proud to have represented my country in the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. Participating in that great competition is an event that I will always cherish and remember. My involvement in gymnastics, however, has taught me qualities that go beyond athletics. The qualities, characteristics, and keys to success in sports are factors that carry over to all other aspects of our lives.
In whatever you want to improve upon, whether it be schoolwork, athletics, music, or studying the scriptures, just give a little extra—every day. Fifteen minutes a day for one year add up to over ninety-one hours. I only use fifteen minutes as an example of how time well-spent can add up. I know that I would be a better individual if I applied this more in other important areas of my life. I sincerely hope and pray that I do this.
As children of our Father in Heaven, we can have setbacks of sin. But we must never quit or give up hope. Heavenly Father has provided a way to overcome spiritual setbacks through the great gift of repentance. He truly loves us and wants to forgive us. All we have to do is to go through the process of repentance, and we will triumph over our mistakes.
As I was reading this today, I was thinking of how I am not always focused on the eternal perspective of things. It's very easy for me to give a couple hours each day to study for school, or to achieve my fitness goals, but how often do I spend time in my scriptures and praying? Not nearly the amount of time I give to other things in my life.
What a great reminder of what I need to be focusing on. I need to remember the true purpose of my time here on earth so I can accomplish the "highest goal possible".
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