Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christmas Break!

Highlights from Christmas break!

We had a "Very Merry Skype Christmas" with Mike's parents and siblings. We all got together on Skype and opened up the gifts that we had purchased for each other. We spent some time visiting and catching up with one another. It was so much fun and I am looking forward to our trip to MN this summer!

Late nights with Mike, drinking hot cocoa and playing mancala.

Another night, Mike, Paul, Luciana and I all went iceskating. We had so much fun!

We watched the BYU bowl game in my friend's theatre room!

Steve, Donna, Melissa, Blake, Taylor and I all went to the BYU Basketball game! (Mike had to work, so he could not join us).

Spent New Years Eve at Clay and Rachael's house with some friends and watched Crazy Stupid Love.

A game night at Paul & Bryan's with some of our close friends. Never thought I would be so embarraced playing Quelf, dancing an Irish Jig while singing "The Wheels on The Bus". And poor Mike got stuck sitting under the table and sticking his hand in a bowl of water.

The BEST Christmas party ever known to man. Hosted by Steve and Donna Lindsey.

Dinner with the Moyes family was SO fun! We had Hawaiian Haystacks and played Apples to Apples.

Another night with Kassidee and Kennedee where we spent the evening playing games and having Thai desert!

Shopping with my mom, my sister, and her mother-in-law to get the after Christmas sales!

Having a whole day with my sister and my beautiful niece, Reagan! Dano did my hair and now I'm burnette! A new change for the new year!

Game night with Dano & Jared. Phase 10 man!

Chimichanga Night at Melissa & Blake's place. She taught me how to make them from SCRATCH!

Celebrating my grandfather's 76th birthday. He is such a wonderful man!

Tucano's with Mike & Paul!

Christmas && Christmas Eve (mentioned in the previous post)

And many many more memories!!
I am so grateful for the last 3 weeks that I had away from school. I don't think I had that much free time since I was in Junior High. It was a very much needed break. I had so much fun getting to spend time with my family and friends! And for once, JUST relaxing. :]

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