Thursday, January 19, 2012

At Utah Valley University, they do something that is called a Vagina Monologue. You can talk about anything you want as long as it relates to being a woman. Here is what I've got so far! I may change it! But here's the first pitch!

Dear Me.

Dear 7 year old me,
You won’t be able to marry daddy when you grow up, but you can find someone just like him.

Dear 8 year old me,
You won’t always act perfectly, but through your imperfections and quirks, you’ll be perfect to someone.

Dear 9 year old me,
Don’t ever forget how to dream big the way you do. You’ll become something great if you always remember to shoot past the expectations.

Dear 10 year old me,
You don’t need 25 layers of make-up to make you look beautiful.

Dear 11 year old me,
Remember that boys are like buses.. There is always another one coming.

Dear 12 year old me,
Being thinner than a bungee cord rope is not attractive. Please, have a sandwich.

Dear 13 year old me,
sex does not equal love. and being in love does not equal sex.

Dear 14 year old me,
Tanning will give you cancer, and you will die. And if you don’t die, you’ll look dead, or at least burnt.

Dear 15 year old me,
education is far more important than popularity status.

Dear 16 year old me,
drugs are not your friends. friends who let you do drugs are not your friends either. period.

Dear 17 year old me,
Its okay to have your heart broken. Its one step closer to being with your Prince Charming.

Dear 18 year old me,
College is scary. You can do it though. And boy is the pay-off good.

Dear 19 year old me,
You know who your real friends are. They are not always the ones who have known you the longest, but the ones that have stuck by your side through everything.

Dear 20 year old me,
You’re getting married. I know, crazy. Remember, it’s not about the wedding or the size of your diamond, its about the man you are going to spend forever with. And yes, he is just as wonderful as Daddy.

Here I am, 21 years old and counting. What would I tell 21 year old me in 21 years?

Dear 21 year old me,
You are so close to graduating. Congratulations! Senioritus is a beast, but it goes by so fast. Don’t give up, don’t slack your grades and keep up the good work.
Also, Remember that you don’t have to be perfect. You just got married and so many things are new to you. You have to learn to juggle school, work and being a wife.
Just because you don’t cook every night and keep a perfectly clean house, does not make you a bad wife. Don’t compare yourself to others and worry so much. You only see what everyone else does good, but you don’t see what they don’t do. Try to be the best YOU can be. Not the best that everyone else can be. Just focus on one goal to improve on, master it and move to the next goal. You’ll get the hang of it.
Be true to yourself. Don’t compromise your morals and standards for anything. Be kind to every person you meet. Be genuine. None of that fake crap.
Become a better person. Not only for yourself, but for your husband. He needs you just like you need him. Remember that this life isn’t all about you. You’ll have a family one day. And 40 weeks into the most mind boggling, body changing, hormonally imbalanced time of your life, you are going to experience the most painful and joyous moment all mixed into one. The outcome is great, and one day, he’ll call you “mommy”.
You’ll cherish a moment that is so different than any other moment. You’ll understand the love that a mother has for a child. Tell your mother often now that you love her and appreciate her. Let her know that she is the world to you.   
Don’t ever forget to humble yourself to kneel. Remember to put God first in everything and everything else will fall into place. You can’t do it alone, but you can do it with help from Him. Let him pick you up when you’ve given all you’ve got and you just can’t bear to stand anymore. If you are ever feeling like no one in this world could care if you existed, remember that God loves you and that He cares.


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christmas Break!

Highlights from Christmas break!

We had a "Very Merry Skype Christmas" with Mike's parents and siblings. We all got together on Skype and opened up the gifts that we had purchased for each other. We spent some time visiting and catching up with one another. It was so much fun and I am looking forward to our trip to MN this summer!

Late nights with Mike, drinking hot cocoa and playing mancala.

Another night, Mike, Paul, Luciana and I all went iceskating. We had so much fun!

We watched the BYU bowl game in my friend's theatre room!

Steve, Donna, Melissa, Blake, Taylor and I all went to the BYU Basketball game! (Mike had to work, so he could not join us).

Spent New Years Eve at Clay and Rachael's house with some friends and watched Crazy Stupid Love.

A game night at Paul & Bryan's with some of our close friends. Never thought I would be so embarraced playing Quelf, dancing an Irish Jig while singing "The Wheels on The Bus". And poor Mike got stuck sitting under the table and sticking his hand in a bowl of water.

The BEST Christmas party ever known to man. Hosted by Steve and Donna Lindsey.

Dinner with the Moyes family was SO fun! We had Hawaiian Haystacks and played Apples to Apples.

Another night with Kassidee and Kennedee where we spent the evening playing games and having Thai desert!

Shopping with my mom, my sister, and her mother-in-law to get the after Christmas sales!

Having a whole day with my sister and my beautiful niece, Reagan! Dano did my hair and now I'm burnette! A new change for the new year!

Game night with Dano & Jared. Phase 10 man!

Chimichanga Night at Melissa & Blake's place. She taught me how to make them from SCRATCH!

Celebrating my grandfather's 76th birthday. He is such a wonderful man!

Tucano's with Mike & Paul!

Christmas && Christmas Eve (mentioned in the previous post)

And many many more memories!!
I am so grateful for the last 3 weeks that I had away from school. I don't think I had that much free time since I was in Junior High. It was a very much needed break. I had so much fun getting to spend time with my family and friends! And for once, JUST relaxing. :]

Our First Christmas

This year was a little different than I imagined.

I always pictured our first Christmas to be my husband and myself laying on the floor under the Christmas tree, staring up at all the lights. He and I, me and him. US.

However, this year brought us a surprise! We had the wonderful opportunity to have our dear friend, Paul stay with us for Christmas day. Due to work, he was not able to make it to his family in Boise.

It was just Mike and I for Christmas Eve, which I loved having that time with him to start our own traditions as a family.
Mike was working during the day, so I decided that I would suprise him with a Christmas Eve feast! If any of you know me, I am not one for cooking. I googled, called my mom and searched for some feasting ideas.

The final menu was:
oreo pie
and sparkling cider

I will have to say, I can make a mean ham!

After dinner, we snuggled on the couch to the movie "elf".
Then, we read the story of our Savior's birth and watched the Christmas devotional (A tradition that I hope to do every year).

and off to bed we went to await for St. Nick to come!
(Paul snuck home after we had gone to bed)

In the morning, we all woke up at 7:45 ish (thanks to Mike and his excitement for all his presents!)
We had a great Christmas morning. We were so blessed!

We made our way to church, since Christmas was on a Sunday this year. The choir performed for us. It was a beautiful sacrament meeting!

Noon came along, and we headed over to my parents house. There, my mom suprised us all with giraffe minky blankets that she made for each of us. Somehow, she kept it a secret from all of us. I had been there multiple times durning the month and had seen her working on them. I just assumed that she was working on the same one the entire time (she told me that it was for grandma). We had a great time with the family there, but had to soon make our way over to my grandparents home.

There, we had Christmas lunch and spent time with our aunts, uncles and cousins. My grandparents gave us their tradition present of a mini stocking filled with pencils, nic-nacs and a little toy. As well as some holiday cash!

When we were done there, we went over to Mike's grandparents home for another Christmas. This is the joy about being married, we get to have enjoy Christmas so many times!

We got back to our apartment around 7 in the evening. We watched A Goofy Movie together and then Mike and Paul duked it out in a Nurf Gun war!

T'was a wonderful Christmas!