I have an unwanted back to school countdown. Because I am taking a class Saturday morning, I begin my final semester of college in just 20 days! Someone needs to tell summer to SLOW DOWN!
This may be the first semester of my entire life where I'm DREADING going back. Normally, I am extremely excited, pumped and ready for a new challenge. The past two semesters I was so-so excited. Now... Kill me.
I think I'm catching a BAD case of Senior-itus!
Since summer is almost over, my husband and I have been trying to make the most of the disappearing days. The last week has been insanely busy for our little family. Busy, but great!
Last Saturday, I took my little brother to Seven Peaks. He and I haven't had a day together in the longest time! It was so fun to hang out with him, hear his stories, and realize that he is not really a "little" brother anymore! He has grown up so much and is such an amazing young man! Seven Peaks was quite the adventure for us! With a few hours of waterslides, wedgies, and a brief lightning storm, we decided not to stay much longer. So we hit up the Taco Bell and headed on home.
Sunday was so wonderful. Mike and I went up the canyon with some of my family (Mom, Dad, Taylor, and a couple of my aunts and cousins. Later in the week, more of the family came up) Mike & I went for a walk in the evening and enjoyed this beaut!
On Monday, Taylor, Mike & I went for a hike up to Scout Falls. Despite the fact that I work out now more than I ever have, this hike was killer for me (for those of you who know where this is, it really isn't that hard of a hike). My excuse? We left mid-day, 100 degree weather, and what was I wearing? Pantalones! I was SO hot throughout this hike that I finally reached down and ripped off the bottom half of my jeans. Check them out below :]
And here is the view!
Can I just say, these mountains are BEAUTIFUL!
Another shot of the mountains on our way out of the canyon, during a brief thunder storm!
A big shout out to my mother, who plans our family camping trip every year! She always puts in so much effort to make the week FUN! Hiking, eating, jewelry making, movie in the canyon, murder in the dark, canasta and more! GREAT JOB! and thank you creating the memories!
(here's a few pictures...more to come!)
Reagan wanting to drink from the big girl water jug!
Putting rocks in and out of the tree stump! Hours of free entertainment!