Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Grateful November

November 1 -
For this day, I am grateful for my job. I spent the first day of this month working at MK Virtual Office. I have been there for four and a half years now. I have grown to love the Lindsey family so much! I have so much fun working there and I feel more like I am family than an employee. When I got married, I thought that we were going to move and that I would have to quit. I honestly cried. I am so grateful that things have worked out in such a way that I am able to still work for Donna.
Now we have another office assistant. Her name is Melissa. I am grateful for my friendship with her that has become so strong. I can tell that girl anything. Somehow, she has made the best job ever, even better!

November 2 -
This day, I was extreeeeeemely grateful for my husband. Michael is such a wonderful husband. I know I say that all the time. But I have a wonderful reason on this day to think so as well.
Story time. I got another UTI. My third since we have been married. So I went to the doctor on the 1st to get some antibiotics. I took them and a couple hours later, I was itchy, I had THE WORST headache, I was had blurred visino and I was nauseous. When the symptoms started showing, Michael had just left to go play basketball. When I texted him that I wasn't feeling good, he came straight home. He took care of me all night, and encouraged me to go to the doctors first thing in the morning. I HATE the doctors. I was much worse in the morning. The white part of my eyes, were completely red. My skin looked like it had a sunburn and I was extremely nauseous. So off to the doctors I went. Turns out I'm allergic to Sulfamethoxazole. Anyways... I tell you this story to make you feel bad for me. haha.. really though. I tell you this because the entire time, Mike was right there by my side. He found a garbage can at Costco for me to puke in. He had me take a warm bath and watched me for hours after I zonked out on medication to help the allergic reaction. If it weren't for him, It would have been a lot longer before I would have gone to the doctors. He was there to encourage me, to comfort me and to make me feel better. He never once questioned the extreme pain I was feeling and was very good at validating my feelings. Gosh I love him. And when I would apologize and tell him he did not have to slave over me while I was sick, he would simply say something like, "Thats why we got married, So I could keep care of you".

November 3 -
I'm going to go with something that I am semi-grateful for. But hopefully writing about it today will help me be even more grateful for it. My sunbeam class. Sooo cute, right? They are adorable and so fun to be around, but they are very challenging to keep under control. I am grateful for my calling to be their teacher. It has helped me develop my skills in planning lessons. And the wonderful thing about it is, that they don't really care if I am a good teacher or not. They will still learn. They are so innocent and make the funniest comments ever.
Like Jayden, a little black boy was watching a sing-a-long song on the Itouch. When a little black boy came on the screen he said, "Hey teacher, that's me!.... NAH just kidding". Then a younger baby came on the screen "Hey teacher, that's me when I was a baby!... Nah just kidding. Then a girl came on the screen and Jayden said "Hey teacher, that's me when I was a GIRL!... Nah just kidding!" For sure that is my favorite memory of them so far!

November 4 -
Today, I am grateful for Facebook. I love that I am able to still keep in contact with my friends. I love that my parents are on there and my grandmother. Its a wonderful tool as long as it is used correctly. I love that I can see pictures of people and how they are growing up, even though I don't see them everyday. And I'll admit it! I love that I can see all the fun things that people are doing that I don't normally talk to in real life.

November 5- 
This was my brother, Skyler's birthday and my sister-in-law, Brooke's birthday. They share :] So for this day, I am grateful for my those two in my life. Skyler: my second to oldest brother. He is always wanting to spend time with me and is always so excited to tell me all the things that are going on in his life. I can really tell that underneath all his joking around, he really does love me and care about me. He is very protective over me, even if he won't admit it. I am grateful for him! Brooke married my oldest brother Jacen. She is always such a fun spirited person. I am grateful for her always being so kind and excited to hear about anything I have to tell her. She is very thoughtful and wants to be sure that we know she cares about her. I am grateful for her!

November 6 - 
I am extremely grateful for our cars. Earlier this month, we had an issue with our car. We thought that it would cost a couple thousand dollars just to fix it. Fortunately, we were blessed with a bill that was only $300. I can't believe I just said "only". It was a hard bill to fork up. But hey, we have cars. They both work. And I am so grateful that we are able to have the convenience of being able to get to work, school, or anything else with out having to rely on public transportation. Although, I have taken the bus a few times this month to help with the gasoline bill :]

November 7 -
My parents. Yeah. I have the best parents in the world. They are the nicest, kindest, sweetest people you will ever meet. They are always doing things for others, especially their family. Almost everything they do is to benefit someone else. They put so much time and energy into having family events so that we can all be together. Growing up, my parents were my best friends. I still feel that way. An evening at their home is one of the best ways to spend an evening. I really appreciate everything they have ever done for me. 
Mom- for being the one person I could talk my brains out to and I know that you will listen. Even if you are bored of hearing me talk. For being there anytime I wanted to cry, laugh, or scream. I am grateful for you encouraging me to be a good person and to never give up on anything. 
Dad- for being that light in my life. You always know how to make me smile. Regardless of what the day has been like. You taught me to work hard and to not quite. You taught me to be kind to others and to turn the other cheek. Move on and press forward because tomorrow will be a better day. I am so grateful for you.

November 8-
I am grateful to be an American. I have enjoyed so many blessings because I live in this beautiful country. I enjoy so many freedoms. Even though times are hard for our country right now, I know that I am far better off here than most places. I have the opportunity to live the American Dream. I am lucky and extremely fortunate to have been given this. 

November 9- 
The earth. Isn't it beautiful? Everything on this planet is absolutely stunning. Plants, animals, mountains, oceans, etc. I am grateful to be living on such a beautiful planet. I am grateful for my Heavenly Father and ALL of his creations. 

November 10-
I am so grateful for my education. In high school, I was always really worried about how I would pay for college. My parents are not blessed with a huge fortune of money, therefore, paying for college would be something that I would have to do all on my own. I knew that I wanted to go, but I wasn't sure what for. I kept my grades up, and was blessed with a scholarship that pays for all of my tuition. I've been going to school for free :] I am so grateful that I am able to get the education that I want so much, and not have to worry about where the money is going to come from. 

November 11- 
Roxberry Juice: my other job. This job has been one of the best things that has ever happened for me. The people that I work with are ones that I will be friends with forever. Everyone there is so good. We all have high standards and are trying to do things that are good. Everyone is so supportive and caring of one another. Our boss is wonderful too. He does everything he can to help us out with our schedules, and to make it so we can still do the things that we enjoy doing. I'm sad to say that I will be quitting. December 10th is my last day working there. I love everything about this job, but I've been getting more hours with Donna (another job I love) so its time to move on. 

November 12-
I am grateful for service. Service is a wonderful opportunity where I can show others how much I love them. I do not serve as much as I should, but I know of its importance. The blessings that come to those who serve and those who receive service are real. I am grateful for all those who have served me as well. I understand how hard it can be to take time out the day to serve others.  So I really appreciate when people gave that time to me.

November 13-
I am grateful for my teachers. I've had so many teachers over the years. I will mention a few great ones, but I'm sure I will miss mentioning many really great ones. 
Miss Boyter (now Mrs. Miller): my sixth grade teacher. She was absolutely phenomenal. She has always stood out in my mind as to what a teacher should be. 
Mrs. Wells: My English teacher in High School.
Brother Whitehead: My seminary teacher in High School.
Mrs. Gallegar: Our facilitator for our college classes
Professor Wise: aka Santa Clause. He just was called to serve in the Nauvoo mission with his wife!

November 14-
Michael's family. Today I am grateful for them. It has been wonderful for me to marry into a family that I like to much. Mike's parents and siblings are great. They have been so good to me to help me feel welcome and a part of the family. Mike's parents are such good examples of Christ-like people. They are very considerate and kind. Always to be sure that everyone feels special. I could not have asked for a better family to marry into. I just wish they would move to Utah already! We do have his brother, Chad and his wife, Kortney & little Addison living here. I am so grateful that they live so close to us. They are some of the best people that I know. 

November 15-
I am grateful for technology. Without it, I would not be able to blog, or text my husband, or watch movies, or email, or do my homework online, or find cute crafts on pinterest, or use a microwave, or have the radio in my car, or use the iPhone, or fly to Florida for our honeymoon, or turn on the lights, or watch the last session on conference a month after it happened. Pretty much everything I do is somehow linked with technology. I am grateful that the world has gotten to a place where we can communicate across countries! Its fascinating. I believe that it is all because the Lord wants to be able to spread his church worldwide. The only way to do that was through this mass force called technology. 

November 16- 
I am grateful for good health. Most of the time. It seems that Mike and I have been in and out of the doctors office a few times over the last few months. But overall, we have good health. We are still living and go on about life doing our daily routines and occasional spontaneous moments. I am thankful that I have made it 20 long years without any hospital stays. 

November 17-
I am grateful for all my basic needs. Food, water, shelter, hygiene, clothes and shoes. I know that many people in the world are not able to have these basic needs met. I am grateful for me not having to worry about where my food will come from, or showering in cold water. I am grateful to have protection over my skin and feet. 

November 18-
I am grateful for my talents. Oh boy... this is a hard one. I don't normally think of my talents. I don't dance, ski, write, sew or cook. So I always have to think hard on this one. 
I love school. I am grateful for my talent and ability to go through school without any significant struggles. If I study, I almost always do well. I am grateful for that ability.
Lately, I have been into crafts (with the help of a certain website). It has been fun to explore my talents and see what I can accomplish. I never knew I could be crafty, even if it is just me copying someone else's idea. 
I am also grateful for my talent of being able to love others. I don't know if others see it, but I feel that I can help other people to be comfortable. I enjoy being around others and opening up to them, as well as lending an ear for listening. 

November 19-
The big one. My sister Dano, or Dannielle. I am so grateful for her. She is my best friend. I don't know how else to describe her. She is everything that a best friend is. She is loving and understanding, she will correct me if I am wrong. She is there for me when I need her. She is a wonderful example to me. I am grateful for her and for her life decisions that helped me to be where I am today. She is an incredible lady and I am extremely blessed to be her little sister.
Not to mention, she did create the most adorable baby in the WORLD.. aka Reagan!

November 20-
We thank the, Oh God, for our Prophets. I am so thankful for our prophet. I am so thankful that we have someone on the earth today, to be a messenger for our Heavenly Father. It amazes me that I can actually hear the words that He would say if He were here right now. I am grateful for all the time and energy that President Thomas S. Monson puts in for us. He is an incredible person, and I am grateful for his dedication and love for the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints.

November 21-
Hot Showers. I LOVE hot showers. I am so grateful for hot showers. There was a time when I was not able to have hot showers for a week. That was miserable.

November 22-
I am grateful for my other two brothers. I mentioned Skyler earlier. But I have two more brothers, Jacen and Taylor.
Jacen: I am grateful for Jacen. He was the first one in our family to serve a full time mission. Watching him on his mission was so fun for me. I loved reading his letters and watching his silly videos. I am grateful for his example to the family in doing this act of service. I am also grateful for his humor and life. He always makes the mood more enjoyable. 
Taylor: I love this little boy. I am so grateful for him. He is such a gentleman and is so caring and sweet. He is a people pleaser. In a good way though. He wants everyone to be happy. He always expresses his appreciation and love for those around him. He is the perfect sweetheart and I am so grateful that he is my little brother.

November 23- 
I am grateful for LAUGHTER. Sounds funny, right? But how often are you upset, and then something funny happens and you laugh. You always feel better.. right? I appreciate laughter and the tool that it is in helping others feel better. I am grateful specifically for Mike's laughter. corny, I know, but when he laughs, I know that he is enjoying himself. It makes me happy to see him happy.

November 24- 
FOOOOOD! I already said I was grateful for this. Food is soo yummy though. I thought I would mention that I am grateful for it, again. I eat it at least three times a day, so I can be thankful twice for it. It was clumped in with the basic needs list though. So I htought I would give it its own date. Go Food!

November 25-
Grandparents. All of them. Grandma Hill and Grandpa Lewy, Grandpa and Grandma Pulley, Grandma & Grandpa Cox and Grandma & Grandpa Every. The first two sets are my parents parents. I know them the most. I am so grateful for them and for all that they have done for me. The ladder two are Mike's parents' parents. They are so great and have been so kind over the last year and a half. I love getting to know them. 

November 26-
I am so grateful for the temple. Mike and I had the chance to go to the temple on this day with some of our friends. We took Tanner up to the temple before his mission to enjoy mine and his first live session. It was incredible. Afterwards, we met up in the baptistry with Jenn, Brittney and Dave. Spending the whole day there was incredible. I am so grateful for the temple. I am grateful for the blessings of peace that they bring me. I am grateful for the blessing of eternal marriage. I am so thankful to know that I can be with Michael for the rest of forever. I am grateful for the sealing that I have with my parents, and that I know I can be with them forever. There are so many blessings that come from the temple to be grateful for.

November 27-
Missionaries. This month, we've sent off two missionaries. Mike's cousin Shelby left on his mission today (november 30th). The other missionary is Tanner. He doesn't leave until the 7th of December, but he had his farewell a week and a half ago, so I thought that I would include him in this. I am grateful for not only them, but all the missionaries that go out. They are extremely dedicated people. What they are doing is the right thing to do. I am grateful to see the church spreading the way it is. I am excited and anxious to be able to go on a mission myself, with my husband as my companion.

November 28-
I am grateful for my sister in law, Cynthia. This day, was her birthday. I was not able to see her on her birthday this year, so I was bummed about this. But I am grateful for Cynthia. I am grateful for the time that she spends talking to me. I am grateful for her trust towards me and the fun that we have together when we get talking with one another. I am also grateful for her bringing in two of the most wonderful babies into this world, Paris and Lauren. I love those girls so much!
I am also grateful for my brother in law, Jared. Jared is so wonderful. He married my sister, Dannielle. I am so grateful for him. He is completely forgiving and has no contention in his heart. He is so kind and makes a special effort to be friends with everyone. I am grateful for his addition to the family.

November 29-
I am grateful for the Doctors on this day. Sunday was Shelby's mission farewell. It went really great and we all had a ginormous pot luck afterwards. Unfortunately, something at the luncheon was not as healthy as it should have been. 23 people that we have counted have gotten sick from an item there. I threw up four or five times and mike threw up probably twenty. We spent the day at the doctors office. He got an IV and later had two shots. I just had one shot. It was horrific. I am so grateful for the doctor and for them being able to give Mike some medication to make him feel a little better and to prevent him from dehydrating.

November 30-
I am grateful for my Savior. The ultimate thing that I am grateful for. There is nothing on this earth that can even compare to what my Savior has done for me. He has done everything for me. I am so grateful to be a part of a church that understands the atonement. I am grateful to know that my Savior suffered and died for me personally. I am grateful for my relationship with him and realize that I need to work on it more. But I know it is there, and he is always waiting for me to be closer to Him.